COVID-19 新冠肺炎常用字彙
COVID-19=coronavirus disease 2019 = 新冠肺炎
the novel coronavirus 新型冠狀病毒
He has COVID-19/coronavirus/the coronavirus/the new coronavirus/the novel coronavirus.
They tested positive/negative for the coronavirus / COVID-19. 檢測為陽性/陰性
Symptoms 症狀
He has a cough/cold/fever 咳嗽/感冒/發燒
She is sneezing/running a temperature. 打噴嚏/正在發燒
fatigue 疲倦
outbreak 疫情爆發/某個地方爆發疫情
epidemic 疫情地區流行/地區性流行傳染病
pandemic 疫情大規模流行/全球性流行傳染病
There was an outbreak in Wuhan, China . 中國武漢爆發了疫情.
When the outbreak spread, it became an epidemic.
The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic.
take measures 採取措施/行動
transmission 傳播/傳染
isolation 隔離=> 意謂將“已感染的人”與健康的人隔離
quarantine 隔離/檢疫 => 意謂將“有可能感染的人”與健康的人隔離
People who have the coronavirus must be in isolation.
People who might have the coronavirus are asked to be in quarantine.
self-isolate/self-quarantine 自主隔離
lockdown 封鎖
The city is in/under lockdown. 封城
shut down 關閉/停工/停止營業
to declare a pandemic 宣布為全球大流行
to ban large gatherings 禁止群聚
to restrict travel 限制旅遊
to seal borders 封閉邊界/ 封鎖邊境
to avoid contact with others 避免與他人接觸
to stock up on groceries 去雜貨店儲備用品 ( 意謂適度儲存日後需要用的商品 )
to hoard goods 囤積貨品 ( 意謂過度儲存日後不一定用得到的商品 )
to cancel school 取消上學
to postpone events 活動延期
to control the spread 控制了傳染
to contain the transmission 控制了傳染
to hunker down at home 蹲守在家 /待在家 /窩在家
to flatten the cure 拉平曲線 ( 意謂 紓解疫情高峰使之趨緩 )
be contagious 具傳染性的
a confirmed case 確診個案
be symptomatic 有症狀的
be asymptomatic 無症狀的
be mandatory 強制的 / 必須的
be voluntary 自主的 / 自願的
be fatal 致命的 / 致死的
be unprecedented 空前的 / 前所未有的
be unpredictable 不可預測的 / 無法預料的
social distancing 社交距離
hand sanitizer 手部清潔液/手部消毒劑/乾洗手
vulnerable people 弱勢族群/ 易受傷害的人 / 老年人或病人或身體虛弱的人
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